2023: THE SHORTSTOP. Narrative Magazine, Summer 2023.

2022: RUMOR OF BLOOD. Narrative Magazine, Winter 2022.

2021: THE RIGHT FIELDER. Narrative Magazine, Fall 2021.

2021: THE SINGING COMPETITION. The Saturday Evening Post, Spring 2021

2021: FISH STORY. Zone 3, #36.1

2020: ESCAPING. The Masters Review: New Voices

2020: ANGLING. Another House, #1

2019: NIGHT MOVES. Narrative Magazine, Story of the Week

2019: BALLPLAYERS. Ruminate Magazine, #51

2019: SUNBLOCK. jmww

2019: A LOVELY AFTERNOON. Cleaver Magazine, #26

2019: HIGHBALL. Fiction Southeast

2018: OTHER PEOPLE. Pleiades Magazine, #39.1. Winner of the 2018 G. B. Crump Prize in Experimental Fiction

2018: THE GOLFER. Pembroke Magazine, #50; Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

2018: WITNESS. The Adroit Journal, #25

2018: A PEOPLE’S HISTORY. Lunch Ticket: Amuse-Bouche

2018: OUR BILLY. Adelaide Magazine

2017: GHOST SONG. Noble/Gas Quarterly, #204.4